
Holger Daims awarded with the "Wiener Zukunftspreis"

Holger Daims made the second place in the category "Newcomer & Start-ups" of the "Wiener Zukunftspreis", which is awarded annually by the city of...

New paper in Science

Hubert C, Loy A, Nickel M, Arnosti C, Baranyi C, Brüchert V, Ferdelman T, Finster K, Christensen FM, Rosa de Rezende J, Vandieken V, Jørgensen BB....

On the trail of Nitrospira

A recent article in "die universität online" reports on a new WWTF project of Holger Daims and his team.


New paper in PLoS Pathogens

Arnold R, Brandmaier S, Kleine F, Tischler P, Heinz E, Behrens S, Niinikoski A, Mewes HW, Horn M, Rattei T. 2009. Sequence-based prediction of type...

International FISH Course 2010 (February 22-26)

Preliminary program and application form now available!

Application deadline is November, 13

1st DoME Poker Championship

The first DoME Poker Championship took place on August 17. After three rounds of Texas Hold'em (No Limit) on four tables the first DoME Poker Champion...

DoME at the KinderuniWien 2009

For the third time the DoME team held an interactive lecture for children between the age of seven and 12 at the KinderuniWien 2009. The KinderuniWien...

New paper in Annual Review of Microbiology

Wagner M. 2009. Single-cell ecophysiology of microbes as revealed by Raman microspectroscopy or secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging. Ann. Rev....

Forschung an trickreichen Bakterien

Seit drei Jahren forscht Matthias Horn an der Universität Wien, seit Februar 2006 hat er eine Professur für Mikrobielle Symbiosen am Biozentrum...

Michael Wagner, Matthias Horn new members of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

At the Ceremonial Meeting 2009, Michael Wagner was accepted as a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences , and Matthias Horn was...

7. Deutscher Chlamydien Workshop

The annual German work shop on all aspects of chlamydia research, from basic science to clinical research, diagnostics and therapy, this time takes...

City of Vienna Award for Michael Wagner

The City of Vienna Awards are awarded anually to individuals with major achievements in either of nine different categories ranging from architecture,...

Nichts für schwache Nasen

Michael Wagner und Holger Daims im TV-Feature "Forschen und Entdecken" über die Rolle von Mikroorganismen bei der Abwasserbehandlung.

DoME an der KinderUni Wien 2008

Auch dieses Jahr wieder war DoME mit der Vorlesung "Warum sind Bakterien für uns so wichtig? - Erstaunliches und Unerwartetes aus dem unsichtbaren...

Bank Austria Creditanstalt Award:

Six students and scientists from the University of Vienna have recieved awards from the Bank Austria Creditanstalt for their innovative research or...

5. Deutscher Chlamydien Workshop

Hannover, 7.-9. März

New paper in Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev.

Taylor M, Radax R, Steger D, Wagner M. 2007. Sponge-associated microorganisms: evolution, ecology and biotechnological potential. Microbiol. Mol....

Call for applications: Ph.D. positions in the graduate school ("Initiativkolleg") "Symbiotic Interactions"

The graduate school "Symbiotic Interactions" at the University of Vienna, an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program focusing on the interaction among...

Erregern auf der Spur

Wiener Forscher untersuchen Umwelt-Chlamydien

Unbequeme Untermieter - Bakterien, die in Zellen leben

Bakterien haben im Laufe der Evolution die seltsamsten Lebensräume und Nischen besiedelt. Manche von ihnen leben sogar in den Zellen anderer...

Research focus "Symbiosis"

The research focus "Symbiosis" of the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Vienna, coordinated by the Department of Microbial Ecology,...