

Dr. Alexander Tveit (Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø) has been awarded a grant from the Research Council for his project ’Time & Energy:...


Hanna Koch, a former PhD student in the group of Holger Daims, has received the Dissertation Award 2016 of the Austrian Association of Molecular Life...


Watch Lucia Fuchslueger, former PhD student at TER, presenting her recent paper ‘Drought history affects grassland plant and microbial carbon turnover...


By studying the global ocean virome, an international team led by Matthew Sullivan from Ohio State University, USA and including DOME group leader...


David Berry has received an ERC Starting Grant for his project "Illuminating Functional Networks and Keystone Species in the Gut". This is the fourth...


Orthologous groups are a central resource for comparative (meta-)genomics. At CUBE we have established a novel resource of Virus Orthologous Groups...


Measuring differential gene expression is a common task in the analysis of RNA-Seq data. To identify differentially expressed genes between two...


An international team of scientists including DOME Group Leader Jillian Petersen has shown that hydrothermal vents must be far more common in the deep...


Several DMES members are involved in AMICI - a new initiative that links diverse Austrian scientific and medical societies to promote microbiome...



Dagmar Woebken was awarded the "Förderungspreis der Stadt Wien 2016" in natural science by the City of Vienna. Congratulations Dagmar!




HoloVir is a robust and flexible data analysis pipeline that provides an optimized and validated workflow for taxonomic and functional...


CONSPRED is a prokaryotic genome annotation framework that performs various intrinsic gene predictions, homology searches, predictions of non-coding...


Raheleh has successfully defended her PhD thesis "ECF sigma factors: how endophytes sense the plants" this morning. The thesis was reviewed by Prof....


The DoME team explored the Kamptal near Zöbing including a visit of a traditional wine tavern (Heuriger) and a bath in river Kamp.




Vincent Delafont received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship to work at DoME with Matthias Horn on his project "Host-microbe interactions...


Holger is awarded for his research on nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and complete ammonia oxidizers. The ISME/IWA Bio Cluster Award rewards...


Students and scientists of the DMES who are working in the field of soil microbial ecology and biogeochemistry met on May 20th for the first DMES Soil...


Students and scientists of the DMES who are working in the field of soil microbial ecology and biogeochemistry met on May 20th for the first DMES Soil...


Huimin Ye from Nanjing Agricultural University has received a 4-year PhD fellowship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC). She will join the group...


Kenneth Wasmund from the group of Alexander Loy has received funding for his project "Missing links in the marine sulfur cycle – identity and...