

A new project (PI: Marianne Koranda) has received funding from Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The project will investigate the effects of metabolites...


Anouk Willemsen, virologist at CMESS, receives a highly endowed ERC Starting Grant for her research on giant viruses. Anouk has devoted her career to...


The Children's University programme started on Monday, 11 July, with a lecture on “Invisible diversity: on life in soil”: Andreas Richter, supported...

Jay Osvatic successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "A study on the life cycle of Lucinid symbionts and their availability in the environment:...

An international research team led by MIT scientists Julia Schwartzman and Otto Cordero, and including DOME member Ben Roller, examined how marine...


The pre-proposal for a Cluster of Excellence (CoE) grant on the topic “Microbiomes drive Planetary Health” has qualified for the next round of the...

Daniela successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Investigating the lifestyle of the Acidobacteriota, a phylum ubiquitous in terrestrial...


Gabi Kaindl has been CUBie since the beginning, and has worked at the University of Vienna even three decades longer. Now, it has become time for Gabi...


Thomas Böttcher has recently been elected as a member of the Leibniz Association’s “Senate Competition Committee”. He holds a joint professorship for...


Aaron Kintzi has won first place in this year’s photo competition “My Research in one Picture” of the University of Vienna. Paula Rojas is among the...


A new study analyses river pollution in Europe: In the most extensive study of its kind, international researchers including EDGE member Thilo Hofmann...

In close collaboration with the Cheng group in Boston, several DOME members developed a combination of two-photon fluorescence with Stimulated Raman...

Microscopic mites that live almost our entire lives in our pores may soon become one with us entirely: An international research team including DOME...


Contamination of our environment is one of the most pressing global problems. Our overall goal is to inform solutions to these pressing problems....


The physical and chemical changes that accompany permafrost thaw directly influence the microbial communities that mediate the decomposition of...


Environmental chemical pollution threatens biodiversity. In the most recent issue of “Science” international researchers led by Gabriel Sigmund from...


A call for more thoughtful scientific practice that addresses community needs: In an article for Nature Microbiology, an international research group...


Exciting insights into research have been provided by the Long Night of Research on Friday, May 20. Our Doctoral School in Microbiology and...

Dagmar Woebken has been promoted to Associate Professor at the University of Vienna. Dagmar joined DOME as a Group Leader in 2012. She has been an...


Three current and future CMESS researchers receive a highly competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF). Songcan Chen and...


Andreas Richter was invited by this year’s Gutenberg Professor, Antje Boetius, to give a public lecture on ‘Life in Soil’ at the University in Mainz.