Scientific claims that babies already harbour living bacteria in the womb are incorrect - this has been proven by international researchers involving...
Annelieke Overbeeke successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Bacterial degradation of polysaccharides in the gut mucosal eco-system" on December...
Chlamydiae is known for the infamous human pathogen Chlamydia, but this group of bacteria evolved over a billion years ago. Despite being ancient and...
A novel infrastructure for life science data: The project “DataLife - Data Infrastructure for Life Sciences”, coordinated by CUBE head Thomas Rattei,...
A novel infrastructure for life science data: The project “DataLife - Data Infrastructure for Life Sciences”, coordinated by CUBE head Thomas Rattei,...
Maximilian Nepel successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “N2-fixing microbial communities in two distinctive terrestrial ecosystems - grassland...
Our Centre once again features four scientists listed as most cited researchers worldwide. Thomas Rattei (CUBE), Andreas Richter (TER), Michael Wagner...
An art exhibition involving David Berry is on display at the Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIT, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna). Under the title...
Organic soil amendments such as compost or biochar can change the dynamics of nutrients and pollutants in the soil: Researchers from EDGE partnered up...
Organic soil amendments such as compost or biochar can change the dynamics of nutrients and pollutants in the soil: Researchers from our Division of...
Congratulations to Joana Séneca Cardoso da Silva, who successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled " The impacts of single and multiple global change...