

An international research team led by MIT scientists Julia Schwartzman and Otto Cordero, and including DOME member Ben Roller, examined how marine...


Daniela successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Investigating the lifestyle of the Acidobacteriota, a phylum ubiquitous in terrestrial...


Microscopic mites that live almost our entire lives in our pores may soon become one with us entirely: An international research team including DOME...


In close collaboration with the Cheng group in Boston, several DOME members developed a combination of two-photon fluorescence with Stimulated Raman...


Dagmar Woebken has been promoted to Associate Professor at the University of Vienna. Dagmar joined DOME as a Group Leader in 2012. She has been an...


We are inviting applications for a tenure track position in Environmental Systems Research competitively awarded in conjunction with a call for junior...


Five DoME relay teams of three runners each participated in the 2021 International Vienna Fall Half Marathon, in a 21 km course through the Vienna...


On September 19, Michael was invited to the talkshow "Im Zentrum" to discuss together with four other guests and the host Claudia Reiterer how to best...


The FWF presents in its scilog magazine a video portrait of Michael Wagner that was produced by West4Media.


Extremely premature infants are at a high risk for brain damage. A collaboration between CMESS researchers, including DOME members David Seki and...


A large consortium with Michael Wagner as a senior author evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the mandatory antigen-based SARS-CoV-2...


Three Divisions of CMESS now have a new home: Together with CUBE and TER – two of its sister divisions – DOME has moved to the new University of...


This pandemic year has seen us confined to our homes and restricted from travelling the world. Not so for some microscopic bacteria in the ocean:...


Soils are one of the most diverse habitats on the planet. More than thousand microbial species that significantly influence numerous environmental...


Dimitra Sakoula, working as a Postdoc in the nitrification group obtained funding from the “1000 Ideas Program” of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)....


Chlamydiae are strictly intracellular bacteria and have long been considered primarily as major pathogens of humans. Yet, the phylum Chlamydiae is...


The SARS-CoV-2 monitoring consortium headed by Michael Wagner has now assembled the results of the measurement rounds 4 and 5, which were conducted in...


On June 22nd 2021, Dr. Kath­ar­ina Kitzinger receives an Otto-Hahn Medal, with which the Max Planck So­ci­ety hon­ours its best doc­toral stu­dents....


Bacterial viruses (phage) are ubiquitous enemies of bacteria, able to efficiently infect and kill their hosts. Because phage rely on their host as a...


While best known as the code for genetic information, DNA is also a nutrient for specialised microbes. An international team of researchers led by Ken...


Jill is featured in this month’s section of “Uni Wien forscht”, a video series portraying researchers from the University of Vienna. In the video Jill...