
Dagmar talks about her research in this University of Vienna video feature (in German).



David was awarded the prize from the Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventative Medicine (ÖGHMP) in recognition of a study he...

The Focus of Excellence Award of the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Vienna is granted annualy to promote young research scientists....

DoME welcomes Dr. Craig Herbold. Craig was a postdoc at the University of Waikato (NZ), a research affiliate at the Joint Genome Institute and is now...

Michael received an honorary doctorate from Aalborg University (Denmark) in the framework of its 40 year jubilee for his distinguished efforts in the...

If the biogeography of microorganisms in the environment is also determined by limitations in passive dispersal is still under debate. By using...

New Paper in Nature Communications

The majority of bacteria possess a peptidoglycan sacculus consisting of a disaccharide backbone crosslinked by peptide chains, which is crucial for...

Postdoctoral fellowships "Interdisciplinary Cancer Research" (INDICAR)

Postdoctoral Fellowships for the Marie Curie project "Interdisciplinary Cancer Research" (INDICAR) at the University of Vienna are available. We...

Movember at DoME

Thirteen Bros and Sistas from DoME joined this year's Movember movement.



DoME at castle Riegersburg

The DoME team visited a famous chocolate factory in Styria and conquered castle Riegersburg.



New collaborative large-scale project with the JGI

Michael Wagner and Holger Daims together with members of the Joint Genome Institute will sequence and analyze the whole genome amplification (WGA)...

New Master curriculum Microbial Ecology

We have revised and updated the master curriculum Microbial Ecology. Studying microbial ecology is now part of the master studies Molecular...

EMI cover image

The cover of the November issue of Environmental Microbiology features an image taken by Barbara Sixt. The cover page shows chlamydiae infecting...

New paper in the American Journal of Gastroenterology

Together with colleagues from the Medical University of Vienna, Alexander Loy and David Berry explored if and how fecal microbiota transplantation...

Open Postdoc and PhD student positions in Microbial Experimental Evolution

Two positions are available in the group of Matthias Horn within the ERC StG Project EVOCHLAMY. The project comprises aspects of evolutionary biology,...

New Paper in PLoS Pathogens

Chlamydial elementary bodies have mostly been thought of as dormant, spore-like particles. However, Barbara Sixt, Alexander Siegl, Matthias Horn and...

DOME partnership with DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI)

The DOE JGI has recently launched the Emerging Technologies Opportunity Program (ETOP) in order to develop partnerships with groups developing new...

New paper in FEMS Microbiology Reviews

Novel avenues are available for the analysis of intestinal ecophysiology to yield new insights into complex host-symbiotic microbiota-pathogen...

Chinese Academy of Sciences honors Michael Wagner with 2013 Einstein Professorship

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has named Michael Wagner an Einstein Professor for 2013. As part of the professorship, Michael will visit several...

DoME to be member of the new Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science

DoME joins forces with the Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research and the Division of Computational Systems Biology to form the new Department of...

Dr. rer. nat. Barbara Sixt

Barbara successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Host-free metabolic activity of chlamydial symbionts of amoebae and their interaction with the...