Members of the Research Network "Chemistry meets Microbiology" (cmm), a joint initiative of the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science and...
Albert successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Microbial biogeography, carbon degradation, and temperature adaptation: Insights from ecological...
DoME congratulates Cecilia Wentrup and Fatima Pereira on their Marie Curie Fellowships. Fatima will work with David Berry on her project "Competition...
This year the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science hosts the 13. German Chlamydia Workshop, an annual meeting on all aspects of chlamydia...
Jillian Petersen (currently at the MPI for Marine Microbiology, Bremen) has received a prestiguous WWTF Vienna Research Group for Young Investigators...
We welcome Amanda Daly, from Stuart Grandy’s Lab at the University of New Hampshire, who joins TER for a year to study the effect of microbes and soil...
Deuterium from heavy water is incorporated into the biomass of active microbial cells. An international team led by Michael Wagner and David Berry now...
Ilias successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Evolutionary history and phylogenetic diversity of Chlamydiae". The board of examiners included...
Thomson Reuters has generated in 2014 a new list of Highly Cited Researchers in the sciences and social sciences. In total 114 microbiologists earned...