

Regulatory networks in bacteria have been investigated in model microorganisms, but nearly nothing is known about the evolution and plasticity of...

Daryl successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Evolutionary genomics of the Chlamydiae". The board of examiners included Tal Dagan (University...

The three divisions CUBE, TER and DOME met for the first retreat of the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science (DMES) from October 5-7 at...


The three divisions CUBE, TER and DOME met for the first retreat of the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science (DMES) from October 5-7 at...


This years CUBE excursion started in Schwechat. There we visited the OMV refinery, in which about 200 different types of crude oils can be converted...


The accessibility of almost complete genome sequences of uncultivable microbial species from metagenomes necessitates computational methods predicting...


Microbial nitrogen dynamics in organic and mineral soil horizons along a latitudinal transect in Western Siberia. Wild, B., Schnecker, J., Knoltsch,...


The three divisions CUBE, DOME and TER met for the first retreat of the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science (DMES) from October 5-7 at...

Alexander Loy and Bärbel Stecher (Max-von-Pettenkofer Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany) received funding for the bilateral...


A new version of our Effective database is online available. It features novel and upgraded tools for the prediction of bacterial protein secretion....

Michael Wagner appeared in feature on antibiotics overuse in the Austrian prime time news ZIB1.



We deeply mourn the loss of Orest, our dear friend and colleague.




We congratulate Wolfgang Wanek, who received funding for the FWF project “micrON - Environmental controls of microbial organic nitrogen cycling in...

Jill Petersen began her work at DOME on Sept 1, 2015. She is recipient of a very competitive WWTF Vienna Research Group for Young Investigators grant....

DOME organized the 10th INTIME meeting at Lake Attersee, which took place from September 1 to September 4, 2015. More than 60 researchers from Aarhus...

Nitrite-oxidizing Nitrospira bacteria are metabolically surprisingly versatile. An international team led by Holger Daims now shows that Nitrospira...

Members of the Woebken Group hosted a workshop entitled "What would the world look like without microbes?". This workshop hosted children from 7-12...


We celebrate 5 years of CUBE and invite all recent and former CUBE members and our friends to a BBQ party on Thursday July 2nd. The party will start...

The DoME team explored the pine mountains around Kaltenleutgeben including some hidden caves, the Kugelwiese, as well as an observation tower.