The 15 participants from 11 countries and 4 continents learned the essentials of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in several seminars and by...
F1000 member Sebastian Suerbaum recommended our recent article "The 5300-year-old Helicobacter pylori genome of the Iceman" (Science 2016) as being of...
New master thesis projects are available in Prof. Ines Heiland's group at the University Tromso, the Arctic University of Norway. The projects cover...
A new platform for Bioinformatics in Austria has been established in 2015 and is currently brought into a formal structure. Recently the web portal of...
Michael Wagner has earned the 2015 Thompson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers award by being among the top 1% most cited microbiologists in the world. ...
Michael is awarded for his research on the diversity and function of microorganisms. The Erwin Schrödinger Prize is the highest award of the Austrian...
Congratulations! Anna successfully defended her Master thesis entitled "Controls on soil organic matter decomposition along a latitudinal transect in...
Daryl successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Evolutionary genomics of the Chlamydiae". The board of examiners included Tal Dagan (University...