Congratulations to Julia Wiesenbauer, who successfully defended her Master's thesis "Native soil organic matter composition affects the magnitude of...
Andreas Richter talks about his research on microbial carbon and nutrient cycling through ecosystems and their interactions with climate change in the...
Sulfite- and sulfate-reducing microbes play an important role in the global sulfur and carbon cycles. In wetlands they control the production of the...
Holger Daims, Michael Wagner, Kristina Djinovic-Carugo, and Andreas Richter received funding from the University of Vienna for a new research platform...
Arctic plant productivity is often limited by low soil N availability. This has been attributed to slow breakdown of N-containing polymers in litter...
David Berry was appointed Full Professor for Intestinal Microbiology at the University of Vienna as of January 1, 2018. Great start into the new year,...
Congratulations to Stefan Gorka, who successfully defended his Master thesis "Carbon and nitrogen exchange between plant roots, ectomycorrhizal fungi...
Marc received funding for a 2 PhD student project from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for investigating the function of the cryptic Woeseiaceae that...