

Klement Tockner, president of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), and Michael Wagner discuss about the importance of funding basic science for the...


„How can I effectively communicate my research to different media outlets in a captivating, relatable way without oversimplifying it?” – This was one...


TER has an open 4-year Group Leader Position for an exceptional early career scientist. We are looking for highly qualified and ambitious candidates,...


Roman has very successfully passed the defensio of his dissertation. Roman presented his results on "Hubness in the protein sequence universe" and...


We spent a nice day in the Vienna woods with a picknick at the Circle of Life Trees 'Lebensbaumkreis'. Talking trees and a great opportunity to reload...


Thorsten Hüffer from EDGE is part of the Editorial Board of the newly launched Journal “Microplastics and Nanoplastics” published by SpringerNature....


We cordially welcome Elisabeth (Liz) Hambleton and Dimitri Kits as new group leaders at DOME. We are looking foward to many exciting collaborations on...


The Doctoral School in Microbiology and Environmental Sciences offers 15 fully funded PhD positions in diverse research areas ranging from molecular...


Microbe–host relationships are determined by the mode of symbiont transmission from host to host. In this study, a team around Paul Herrera and...


On Monday August 17, 2020 the minister Minister of Education, Science and Research Prof. Heinz Faßmann will present the control measures in Austrian...


We are excited to announce that Jillian Petersen has been promoted to associate professor at the University of Vienna. Congratulations Jill on your...


A new concept, put forward by an interdisciplinary group of soil scientists and mathematical modellers looks at soil carbon persistence through the...


Nanotechnology offers potential solutions for sustainable agriculture, including increasing nutrient utilization efficiency, improving the efficacy of...


Our Annual Meeting is the melting pot of the Austrian Life Science Community - a place to listen to renowned speakers, for participants to present...


Bettina won a 3-year Post-Doc fellowship from the REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) COFUND Programme, a Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions COFUND...


Dagmar Woebken was interviewed by Heureka, the science magazine of the Viennese newspaper Falter. In this article, she discusses the survival...


Jörg Schnecker has been granted approval for a new project “Death – The elusive side of microbial turnover in soil” within the framework of the...


Lucia Fuchslueger is starting a new PostDoc at TER on 1 August in the REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) program of the University of Vienna....


How to prevent the contamination of drinking water with MRT contrast agents? Gadolinium is used in contrast media during MRI examinations and is...


A team of CUBE and DOME researchers, and 14 other beneficiaries under the lead of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany, have recently...


Michael summarizes the current knowledge on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 in a series of short videos. Till today videos covering the following topics have...