

Science magazine's Elizabeth Pennisi spoke to DOME researcher Jillian Petersen to find out what's new in hydrothermal vent research, on the 40th...


Alexander Loy and Matthias Horn contributed to the ORF's (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) themed week on the topic "Bewusst gesund: Aus dem Bauch"/...


Most heterotrophic organisms feed on substrates that are poor in nutrients compared to their demand, leading to elemental imbalances that may...


After more than four years of cultivation work, we obtained the first pure culture of a complete nitrifier (comammox) and show that it has a higher...


Dr. Harald Marx is a Bioinformatician by training. During his PhD in Bernhard Kuster's Lab at TU Munich he developed tools and statistical approaches...


Protein secretion systems are key mechanisms of intracellular bacteria to infect eukaryotic host cells. Matthias Horn and his team at DoME together...


Congratulations to Daniel Wasner and David Zezula, who successfully defended their Master thesis on ecological and physiological aspects of the...


The CUBE team and the research focus "Computational Life Sciences" teamed up with David Kreil and Pawel Labaj (BOKU University) in organizing the...


In addition to the opening family lecture, members of the DoME held multple sessions at this year's Kinderuni.


Holger Daims, Michael Wagner and their teams are organizing together with Christa Schleper's group the Fifth International Conference on Nitrification...


Holger Daims gave one of the opening family lectures of this year's KinderuniWien. About 300 children (age 7 to 12 years) and parents learned about...


Holger received funding for a new project from the Austrian Science Fund. Holger will investigate the "Physiology and Environmental Importance of...


The City of Vienna Awards are awarded anually to individuals who have made major achievements in areas ranging from architecture, literature and art...


Anne won the prestigious stipend with an application entitled "Ecology of Novel Nitrite-Oxidizers in the Phylum Chloroflexi", which aims to support...


Chlamydia are generally characterized by a highly conserved intracellular life style. Astrid Collingro and Matthias Horn together with an...


A new Horizon 2020 project has been granted to a large European consortium for researching into “Permafrost thaw and the changing Arctic coast”....


TER discovered the UNESCO World Heritage Site Wachau, a stretch of the Danube valley north of Vienna, by canoe on the hottest days of the year so far....


DoME congratulates Sarah Zauner on her DOC fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)! In her project "From Bacteria to Birds:...


The DOME members enjoyed a trip to the town of Traismauer including a hike in the surrounding hills and a bath in the beautiful "Naturbadesee...


Michael is one among the 65 researchers from across the world to be honoured with election to the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)....


The first release of 45 PICA models is available on this site in the Download area of our new website PhenDB.