Arno Schintlmeister, Buck Hanson, David Berry, and Alexander Loy are featured on Austrian TV (ORF3) in the documentary 'Treffpunkt Medizin: Superorgan...
The German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) is an annual, international conference devoted to all areas of bioinformatics. This year, the Austrian...
DOME celebrated its 15th anniversary with a day-long event on September 12, 2018. Six of our longstanding collaborators and friends (Nicole Dubilier,...
DOME has teamed up with Open Science and the Vienna Open Lab at the Wiener Forschungsfest - a family event for science education. Please come and join...
Scientific excellence and social relevance are two sides of the same coin. These days, it is commonplace to assert that science should be done in ways...
Yuntao successfully defended his PhD thesis "Decomposition and stabilization of soil high molecular weight organic nitrogen" on Thursday 24th August....
DoME congratulates Tamara Halter on her uni:docs fellowship from the University of Vienna! In her project "Genomic diversity of natural populations of...
Jillian Petersen has received an ERC Starting Grant for her project '400 Million Years of Symbiosis: Host-Microbe Interactions in Marine Lucinid Clams...
Dagmar Woebken, Arno Schintlmeister, and Michael Wagner participated in a team of researchers led by Michael Sander at ETH Zürich, which was able to...
We are proud to announce the launch of our new logo. Since 2003 DoME has grown and evolved, and we felt it was time for a change. The new, refreshed...
The DoME team enjoyed a trip to the beautiful national park Thayatal in northern Lower Austria, including a hike along the river Thaya and lunch at a...
TER - the Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research - met at Schloss Drosendorf, an idyllic castle North of Vienna at the Czech border, for a two-day...