

Andreas Richter participated in a panel discussion at the Natural History Museum of Vienna organized by the Environmental Research Network of the...


A new PhD program in Microbial Symbioses will be funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project MAINTAIN and the University of Vienna. The central...


Alexander Loy was interviewed by the German science magazine Spektrum der Wissenschaft for their story on the threatened diversity of the intestinal...


The European Union (EU) has adopted nano-specific provisions for cosmetics, food and biocides, among others, which include binding definitions of the...


DoME is a proud member of the new Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science at the University of Vienna!


In the project KOKOSAN II an innovative biochar based in-situ soil remediation method with a particularly favorable overall environmental footprint...


The Iron Gate I Reservoir is the largest impoundment on the Danube River. It retains >50% of the incoming total suspended solids load and the...


Sulfate-reducing microbes control the production of the greenhouse gas methane in wetlands by competing effectively with methanogenic archaea. A...


Dimitri Meier and Dagmar Woebken along with members of the Joint Genome Institute will sequence the microbial community in ultra-saline microbial mats...


The Marie Curie ITN 'P-TRAP' on phosphate capture from diffuse agricultural sources and its recycling has been granted to a consortium including the...


CUBE wishes all colleagues and friends a happy and successful new year 2019!


A new paper in Nature BIotechnology introduces quality and data standards for viral metagenomics and genomes of uncultivable viruses.


Alex received funding for his project "The wetland sulfur microbiome - intra- and interspecies metabolic interactions" from the Austrian Science Fund....


Bela successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Novel uncultured peatland bacteria with a dissimilatory sulfur metabolism". The board of examiners...


Christina Kaiser has received an ERC Consolidator Grant for her project 'SomSOM: Self Organisation of microbial soil organic matter turnover'....


This week, DoME hosted the 11th „Let’s talk about symbiosis“ workshop. For one day, students, PhD students, postdocs and PIs interested in microbial...


Jillian Petersen and David Berry participated in a panel discussion on the human microbiome and the environment at the Natural History Museum of...


Marc Mussmann received his Venia Legendi from the University of Bremen after his habilitation lecture "Microbial sulfur oxidation in coastal marine...


The Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung of the City of Vienna awarded funding to Petra and Andrew for their project "Can soil help the city breathe?". Petra...


Arno Schintlmeister, Buck Hanson, David Berry, and Alexander Loy are featured on Austrian TV (ORF3) in the documentary 'Treffpunkt Medizin: Superorgan...


The German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) is an annual, international conference devoted to all areas of bioinformatics. This year, the Austrian...