Thilo Hofmann from EDGE participated at an international workshop in Nankai, China, where he is honoured as guest professor. Subsurface contamination...
Petra and Franziska joined the team of the WissensDurst Festival to organize three evenings focused on science outreach and microbiome research. From...
The group led by Michael Wagner has published in collaboration with the teams of Roman Stocker (ETH Zürich) and Per Nielsen (Aalborg University) two...
The Petersen group is featured in a press release of the University of Vienna, including a comic developed by the University, the Vienna Science and...
After a competitive review process Wolfgang has been appointed Full Professors for Physiological Ecology and Ecosystem Research as of April 1st, 2019....
A new PhD program in Microbial Symbioses will be funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project MAINTAIN and the University of Vienna. The central...
Alexander Loy was interviewed by the German science magazine Spektrum der Wissenschaft for their story on the threatened diversity of the intestinal...
The European Union (EU) has adopted nano-specific provisions for cosmetics, food and biocides, among others, which include binding definitions of the...