

Sung-Keun Rhee, professor at the Department of Microbiology of the Chungbuk National University, South Korea will spend the next 6 months at our...


Lena König and Cecilia Wentrup with members of the symbiosis group headed by Matthias Horn and with researchers from Institut Pasteur and the...


Thilo Hofmann from EDGE participated at an international workshop in Nankai, China, where he is honoured as guest professor. Subsurface contamination...


Buck Hanson, Alexander Loy, and David Berry were part of an international team led by Bärbel Stecher from Munich, Germany that succeeded in...


Physiological studies with the only comammox pure culture Nitrospira inopinata revealed that it tightly controls its aerobic NO production and...


Jillian Petersen was elected to the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences


Petra and Franziska joined the team of the WissensDurst Festival to organize three evenings focused on science outreach and microbiome research. From...


Michael Wagner accepted a part-time (20%) Distinguished Professor offer from the University of Aalborg, Denmark. On April 8, 2019 he presented his...


Michael Wagner, Andreas Richter, Craig Herbold, and Arno Schintlmeister were part of an international team led by Mette Svenning from Norway that...


The group led by Michael Wagner has published in collaboration with the teams of Roman Stocker (ETH Zürich) and Per Nielsen (Aalborg University) two...


The Petersen group is featured in a press release of the University of Vienna, including a comic developed by the University, the Vienna Science and...


After a competitive review process Wolfgang has been appointed Full Professors for Physiological Ecology and Ecosystem Research as of April 1st, 2019....


Alexander Loy gave a lecture and participated in a panel discussion on the human microbiome in the course of the Mini Med Studies. Together with...


Andreas Richter participated in a panel discussion at the Natural History Museum of Vienna organized by the Environmental Research Network of the...


A new PhD program in Microbial Symbioses will be funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project MAINTAIN and the University of Vienna. The central...


Alexander Loy was interviewed by the German science magazine Spektrum der Wissenschaft for their story on the threatened diversity of the intestinal...


The European Union (EU) has adopted nano-specific provisions for cosmetics, food and biocides, among others, which include binding definitions of the...


DoME is a proud member of the new Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science at the University of Vienna!


In the project KOKOSAN II an innovative biochar based in-situ soil remediation method with a particularly favorable overall environmental footprint...


The Iron Gate I Reservoir is the largest impoundment on the Danube River. It retains >50% of the incoming total suspended solids load and the...


Sulfate-reducing microbes control the production of the greenhouse gas methane in wetlands by competing effectively with methanogenic archaea. A...