Two positions are available in the group of Matthias Horn within the ERC StG Project EVOCHLAMY. The project comprises aspects of evolutionary biology,...
Chlamydial elementary bodies have mostly been thought of as dormant, spore-like particles. However, Barbara Sixt, Alexander Siegl, Matthias Horn and...
DoME joins forces with the Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research and the Division of Computational Systems Biology to form the new Department of...
Barbara successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Host-free metabolic activity of chlamydial symbionts of amoebae and their interaction with the...
Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research Karlheinz Töchterle visited DoME today. Together with Eva Nowotny, head of the executive board of...
DOME teams around Michael Wagner and Holger Daims led two genome projects of nitrifying microorganisms representing lineages of global importance. The...