

Hannes Schmidt, PostDoc at TER, has been officially welcomed as the Committee Chair of the “Soil Biology, Microbiology and Biodiversity” section of...


To stay connected, especially in times of physical distancing, scientists from different symbiosis research groups of the University of Vienna and the...


Adrian Tett has been appointed as new group leader at CUBE. Adrian has worked before as Senior Research Associate in the Computational Metagenomics...


Petra, Chris and Andrew have been awarded a Young Investigator Researcher Group project from the FWF, entitled “PlayNICE - Interplay between...


Even if the University is closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemy, CUBE keeps going on. On Wednesday, April 8, Hans-Jörg Hellinger finished his PhD...


The COVID-19 pandemic poses an enormous threat for healthcare systems and economies in Austria, Europe and the world. In this time of crisis,...


Jillian Petersen contributed an opinion article for the science section of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) on how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic...


Contaminants can be removed from the environment via a range of techniques. One of the most common approaches is the use of carbonaceous materials...


The Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) has selected our paper with Michael Wagner, Arno Schintlmeister and...


The Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM), joining together about 3500 scientists interested in microbiology, honors with its...


The new research platform "MetaBac - Secondary Metabolomes of Bacterial Communities" is a cooperation between the Faculty of Life Sciences, the Centre...


The research platform "Secondary Metabolomes of Bacterial Communities (MetaBac)”, linking the research groups of Sergey Zotchev, Martion Zehl, Alex...


Dagmar Woebken recently participated in the Audimax, a science podcast series by the University of Vienna. She discusses the fascinating microbial...


Anouk Willemsen received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship to work at DoME on her project “Host range and genome adaptation of giant...


Josh Neufeld, professor at the Department of Biology of the University of Waterloo, Canada, will spend the next 3 months at our division as a visiting...


Arno Schintlmeister received a 90 kEUR funding from the WWTF Life Sciences multimodal imaging initiative. Together with Martin Krssak and Cecile...


The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) published a special feature about Michael Wagner entitled "Exploring the miracle of life". Michael was awarded in 2019...


Modern, targeted and efficient cancer therapies based on inhibition of the EGF receptor come at the expense of massive acne-like skin inflammations,...


The research platform "Mineralogical Preservation of the Human Biome from the Depth of Time (MINERVA)”, linking the research groups of Ron Pinhasi,...


Dagmar Woebken wrote a blog post for the Young Academy of the ÖAW (Austrian Academy of Sciences) in collaboration with the Austrian newspaper, Der...


Like in the last 5 years, Michael was listed among the top-cited scientists internationally. In total 44 scientists from Austria are on this list...