

In November 2020, the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science participated in the first online European Researchers’ Night. In...


After Florian Goldenberg's move to the Vienna Scientific Cluster, we were searching for a new IT and system administrator. We were glad to find two :)...


Stanislava was awarded a highly competive, 2-year Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoc fellowship from the European Commission. She also receives funding...


The Austrian SARS-CoV-2 School Monitoring consortium headed by Michael Wagner released the results of the third measurement round. More than 7000...


Every year, an estimated four percent of the world's vegetated land surface burns, leaving more than 250 megatons of carbonized plants behind. This...


On March 1st 2021, the nationwide SARS-CoV-2 school monitoring study was re-started. During the next three weeks selected pupils and teachers from 250...


How can we contribute to transformative change towards sustainable futures for the entire planet? How can we face the challenges on this pathway...


Michael Zumstein won a 4-year SNF Ambizione Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). This competitive funding scheme supports...


Martin Polz was interviewed for the latest episode of Audimax, a Science Podcast of the University of Vienna, to debate the semester question "What...


The possibility of using the elemental composition of species as a tool to identify species/genotype niches has been tested at the global scale by...


The Austrian School-SARS-CoV-2 consortium (scientifically coordinated by Michael Wagner) has assembled a manuscript describing the first results from...


The Austria School Monitoring study coordinated by Michael Wagner and performed by the University of Vienna in collaboration with the Medical...


Robert Brünjes, Stephanie Castan, and Jan Schüürman from EDGE won the University of Vienna’s Corona Award in the category New Teaching.

Out of over...


Today, Michael received the Gesund & Fit Award together with Manuela Födinger and Johannes Zuber from the Media Group Austria for their development of...


Michael participated in two live stream discussions today on the current coroavirus situation and was a guest in a ZIB special on Dec. 4 at 20.15 in...


On Thursday, over 50 people interested in symbioses came together online for the kick-off event of the PhD program Microbial Symbioses. Among them,...


Michael Wagner is coordinating the Austrian SARS-CoV-2 school monitoring project that is performed in collaboration between the Medical University of...


In this study, a team around Stephan Köstlbacher and Matthias Horn have unvestigated the plasmid inventory of an entire bacterial phylum, the...


Stephanie won a 3-year Post-Doc fellowship from the REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) COFUND Programme, a Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions COFUND...


Two papers from EDGE by Thorsten Hüffer, Gabriel Sigmund and Thilo Hofmann have been selected as European high-impact research published in the most...


Congratulations to Lucia Fuchslueger, who was awarded the EGU Soil Science Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award! The EGU, the European...