

Dimitra Sakoula, working as a Postdoc in the nitrification group obtained funding from the “1000 Ideas Program” of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)....


Chlamydiae are strictly intracellular bacteria and have long been considered primarily as major pathogens of humans. Yet, the phylum Chlamydiae is...


Our research, facilities, and faculty – our new CMESS report with insights into our work and organisation has just been published. The report outlines...


The SARS-CoV-2 monitoring consortium headed by Michael Wagner has now assembled the results of the measurement rounds 4 and 5, which were conducted in...


On June 22nd 2021, Dr. Kath­ar­ina Kitzinger receives an Otto-Hahn Medal, with which the Max Planck So­ci­ety hon­ours its best doc­toral stu­dents....


Bacterial viruses (phage) are ubiquitous enemies of bacteria, able to efficiently infect and kill their hosts. Because phage rely on their host as a...


While best known as the code for genetic information, DNA is also a nutrient for specialised microbes. An international team of researchers led by Ken...


Jill is featured in this month’s section of “Uni Wien forscht”, a video series portraying researchers from the University of Vienna. In the video Jill...


The first Young AMICI Symposium took place on the 25th and 26th of May 2021. The aim of the conference was to give young researchers a platform to...


The University of Vienna has extended the Comammox Research Platform, which was founded in 2018, until June 2024. Aims of the platform are to study...


Prevotella is a diverse genus that is frequently identified in the human microbiome across different body-sites.


In order to assess the ecological risks that can arise from the use of nanomaterials, an international team of researchers and experts has developed...


We are very happy that François-Xavier will join TER as a CMESS Junior Research Group Leader. He will strengthen our team with his expertise in Soil...


Despite all efforts to switch to renewable energies, fossil fuels will continue to play a role in energy supply for several decades to come. An EU...


Congratulations to Ruoting Peng: She was awarded with the prestigious DOC Fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) to fund her PhD...


We have opened a new project for a bachelor or master project at CUBE:


Thorsten Hüffer, Senior Scientist at EDGE, was awarded the societal medal from the Society for Water Chemistry, division of the German Chemical...


DOME's PhD students Julia and Mathias joined the organising committee of the Young AMICI symposium 2021 to bring us a great event.


Many functional properties of the human gut microbiome are still unknown. An international team of scientists around Buck, Dimitri, and Alex from DOME...


Nicolas was awarded a highly competitive, 2-year Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoc fellowship from the European Commission. He also receives funding for...


Lili has been awarded a 2-year Lise Meitner Postdoc Fellowship by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for research into a hitherto unexplored and...