We are pleased to announce that the 28th European Nitrogen Cycle Meeting (ENC28) will take place at CeMESS from September 8-11, 2025. The meeting is...
We are delighted to announce that Jillian Petersen has been appointed Full Professor (§ 99/4) at the Center for Microbiology and Environmental Systems...
Huge congratulations to Natalie who successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Exploring Extracellular Peptidases in Wastewater Systems and their...
Thilo Hofmann (with appearances of Göksu Celik, Martin Stockhausen and Valerie Wilkeit) was interviewed on the environmental dangers of Diclofenac for...
In January the M.I.N.T. (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology) project group from the Individualisierte Teil-Ausbildungen (ITA)...
The FWF SCILOG magazine has spotlighted the BaMiKo project led by David Berry (DOME Division). This inspiring feature showcases how microbiome science...
A new study published in Nature Communications demonstrates that responses of plants and soil organisms to global change factors are largely decoupled...