CeMESS Lecture Series

The CeMESS Lecture Series brings renowned international researchers into dialogue with the Centre's scientists. Covering topics from all four CeMESS divisions, the talks provide attendees with new perspectives on their own research as well as insights into current issues in neighbouring research areas. The presentations are scheduled to take place on Thursdays at 12:00 (noon), and are held on-site at UBB and via Zoom.

 Upcoming Talks

10.04.2025 12:00

Matthew Sullivan

The Ohio State University, USA

hybrid, UBB HS2

08.05.2025 12:00

Ksenia Groh


Eberhard Clar Saal (2B204), UZA II

22.05.2025 12:00

Ruben Kretzschmar

ETH Zürich

Eberhard Clar Saal (2B204), UZA II

05.06.2025 12:00

Lindsay Hall

University of Birmingham, UK

hybrid, UBB HS2

 Previous Talks

13.03.2025 12:00

David Schleheck

University of Kostanz, Germany

hybrid, UBB HS2

06.02.2025 12:00

Filipa Coxx

University of Manchester, UK

hybrid, UBB HS2

30.01.2025 12:00

Martin Elsner

Technical University of Munich, Germany

hybrid, Melchior Neumayr Saal (2A502), UZA II